i love grime music. everything about it appeals. negativity, ignorance, violence and all that good shit.
i especially like it when it sounds like this...
....Slewdem Productions-Jazz Style (instr)....
im still down for grime. i have mad love and respect for it. its unfortunate that through unprofessionalism, infighting, hype, impatience, selling out (grindie), laziness, bad career choices and unrealistic expectations for itself (plus all that shit i listed at the beginning) it kind of killed itself. all in a really short space of time as well. i still watch for it and there are still some good things happening within the scene but they are few and far between. usually i find myself going through the old stuff. i always said it was the producers that stood out for me. the really minimal sounding 8bar stuff from the early 00's from guys like mondie, DPM and musical mobb(who i guess are/were garage) is amazing. also, all of the early ruff sqwadstuff (r u double f especially) is some of my favourite music period. in fact they still kill it. its a shame that so many people fell off though. fuck knows what they're doing now. i know bossman (from essentials) changed his name to perempay and is now making funky. the others all probably have assistant manager positions in carphone warehouse. can you imagine if XTC still made tunes? that shit was way ahead. i hate the fact that grime may have already had its golden age.
nearly caught a beatdown on saturday from some drunken little chinese man. he wasn't really doing anything, just kept harassing somebody i was with and pushing into me. when i told him to fuck off he took off his coat and stepped to me like Bolo from enter the dragon. same build, expression and everything. just about half his height. needless to say i was shook. fighting is a weird one for me nowadays. a couple years back i would have gladly got into it with him. a sense of fear and responsibility made me back down. that and i didn't want to get my head kicked off for no reason. not sure if those two things equal sense or old age. maybe both. maybe none. maybe i've just turned pussy.